The Freddie Reisman Center for Translational Research in Creativity and Motivation is committed to leading pioneering translational research in creativity and motivations.
Publications explore and share real-world practices from across PK-12 education, higher education, and industry.
Grants bring together creativity-thought leaders in collaborative partnership with communities, schools, higher education institutions, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and industry to engage in translational research and practice.
The Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) is a free online self-report creativity assessment with the focus on making the user aware of creative strengths and weaknesses.
Reisman, F., & Severino, L. (2020). Using creativity to address dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Routlege.
Tanner, D. & Reisman, F. (2014). Creativity as a bridge between education and industry: Fostering new innovations. North Charleston, NC: CreateSpace, an Amazon subsidiary.
Reisman, F.K. and Torrance, E.P. (2002). Learning and using primes, fractions and decimals creatively. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
Torrance, E.P. and Reisman, F.K. (2000). Learning to use place value creatively. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
Torrance, E.P. and Reisman, F.K. (2000). Learning to solve mathematics word problems creatively. Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
Reisman, F.; Keiser, L.; & Otti, O. (2016). Development, Use and Implications of Diagnostic Creativity Assessment App, RDCA – Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment. Creativity Research Journal. HCRJ #1162643, Vol. 28, Issue 2. Published online: 09 May 2016, pages 177-187.
Reisman, F.K. (2013). Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking As A Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy. 4(2) Journal of Writing & Pedagogy.
2016 "Creativity's role in enhancing the lives of learners with dyslexia and dyscalculia." Learning Ally’s Spotlight on Dyslexia Online Conference co-presenter with L. Severino and L. Keiser, Drexel University), December 2.
2015 "Creativity's role in enhancing the lives of learners with dyslexia and dyscalculia." PA Branch of the International Dyslexia Association Annual Fall Conference (co-presenter with L. Severino and L. Keiser, Drexel University), October 9, Delaware Valley Friends School, Paoli, PA.
2015 "Communication as a creativity assessment in the workplace: Voices from the field." (co-presenter with H. Maliko-Abraham, J. Cahoon, L. Keiser, B. McPhail and P. Watson), Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning Assessment, Drexel University, September 9, Philadelphia, PA.
2015 “Assessing your creativity.” Virtual introduction to the RDCA SIG (co-presenter with L. Keiser, Drexel University) at the 2015 International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise (KIE), August 11-14, BW Eresin Taxim Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey.
2014 “Assessing your creativity.” Invited Speaker, (co-presenter with L. Keiser, Drexel University) at the 2014 International Creativity Collaborative, October 16-18, University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA.
2020 Drexel University, Larry-Add a Recent Grant Here. Fredricka Reisman, PhD. PI, Larry Keiser, PhD, Co-PI $1,000,000
2014 Enhancing Creativity in Engineering and Engineering Technology Students. NSF RIGGEE, Michelle Klawans, Abieyuwa Aghayere, PhD, Gennady Friendman, PhD, Vladimir Genis, PhD, Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro, PhD, Fredricka Reisman, PhD. Co-PI. Amount $157,297.00.
The Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) is a free online self-report creativity assessment that provides immediate feedback to the user and is diagnostic, rather than predictive, with the focus on making the user aware of creative strengths and weaknesses. We acknowledge the advantages and disadvantages of self-report instruments and question the traditional use of reliability as a psychometric measure for self-report assessments. Many tools and techniques for enhancing creative factors identified by the RDCA are included.
Take the RDCA
Learn more about the RDCA
Reisman, F. Keiser, L. & Otti, O. (2012). Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA). Online free Apple App. Downloaded via iTunes.